08/11/2021 – Midtown Church | Big Wednesday – Week 3


Chief Daniel Hahn of the Sacramento Police

  • Slavery
    • Religion helped spread a form of servitude
    • American Slavery (Domestic Trade)
  • Trail of Tears
    • Native American Slave Holders
    • Native American Boarding Schools 
  • Early California
  • Abraham Lincoln/Stephen A Douglas Debates (1858)
  • Lost Cause Ideology
  • Convict Leasing (Neo Slavery)
  • Jim Crow
  • Japanese Internment Camps
  • Dr. Earl Yonehiro
  • Women’s Rights
  • Klu Klux Klan
  • Education
    • 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court Decision “Separate but Equal”
    • The Supreme Court ruled the 14th Amendment doesn’t eliminate all social or other “Distinctions based on color.”
    • Brown v. Board of Education
    • Little Rock 9
    • Ruby Bridges
    • Segregation – University of Alabama 
  • Racial Covenants 
  • Urban Renewal
  • Redlining
  • Civil Rights – Cont. Racial Housing Covenants 

List of Chief Hahn’s Resources (Click Here)

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