You don't give to us. You give THROUGH us.


Through the regular giving of our tithes and offerings, we worship, obey, and surrender, acknowledging that God is our provider and everything we have is His.

Thank you for your faithfulness, generosity, and commitment to being the church. It’s because of your generous and faithful giving that we continue to bring hope, health, and healing to our cities.

Click the link below to give online safely and securely.

In the online portal, you’re able to set up an account, make a one-time donation, set up a recurring tithe, or choose a fund where you'd like to designate a special gift.

Prefer to mail a check?
Mailing address:
Midtown Church Office
2125 19th St., Ste 110
Sacramento, CA 95818

Legacy Builders Campaign

Thank you to all those who have generously contributed to the purchase of our new building!

Now that we've moved in, there is much work to be done to transform our building into a community transformation center.

Your commitment to generous giving will help us to finish the job.

We need to raise $1.4 million in 2025, and we can do this TOGETHER.

We invite you to give financially above and beyond your regular tithe, and invest in our efforts to foster hope, health, and healing in this city.