Group Discussion Questions

Dive deeper into the weekend sermon! Click the links below to download questions and prompts to discuss with your group.

Finish Strong

End of Year Service

Restored: How a Shaking Leads to Our Salvation

Grace, Glory & Hardship (New Year's Eve Devotional)

Grace, Glory & Hardship (New Year's Eve Devotional)
Grace, Glory & Hardship (New Year's Eve Devotional)

Dealing With Everything: Answers to Life’s Challenges

Dealing with Everything (Wk.1) Everything Promised: Dealing with Disappointment
Dealing with Everything (Wk.1) Everything Promised: Dealing with Disappointment
Dealing with Everything (Wk.3) Everything Believed: From Frustration to Faith
Dealing with Everything (Wk.3) Everything Believed: From Frustration to Faith
Dealing with Everything (Wk.4) Everything New: Making Room for Christ at Christmas
Dealing with Everything (Wk.4) Everything New: Making Room for Christ at Christmas

Don't Save Me: Good News for Skeptics

The Church: Beyond the Building

The Church: Building Disciple Makers (Wk.1)
The Church: Building Disciple Makers (Wk.1)
The Church: Integrity: Building from the Inside Out (Wk.2)
The Church: Integrity: Building from the Inside Out (Wk.2)
The Church: Building Up Generosity (Wk.3)
The Church: Building Up Generosity (Wk.3)
The Church: Building a Reconciling Community (Wk.4)
The Church: Building a Reconciling Community (Wk.4)
The Church: We Are a House of Prayer (Wk.5)
The Church: We Are a House of Prayer (Wk.5)

Character Matters: Discovering God's Profile

Character Matters: The Truth About Love (Wk1)
Character Matters: The Truth About Love (Wk1)
Character Matters: God Has All Power (Wk2)
Character Matters: God Has All Power (Wk2)
Character Matters: Too Big to Fail: Discovering the Omnipresent God (Wk3)
Character Matters: Too Big to Fail: Discovering the Omnipresent God (Wk3)

From Secret to Sacred

A Kinder, Gentler Christianity

A Kinder, Gentler Christianity Pastor Ricky Jenkins
A Kinder, Gentler Christianity Pastor Ricky Jenkins

What's in a Name: What We Call God Matters

Week 1: El Roi: The God Who Sees
Week 1: El Roi: The God Who Sees
Week 2: Elohim: The All-powerful God, Creator
Week 2: Elohim: The All-powerful God, Creator
Week 4: Jehovah-Rapha: The Lord who Heals
Week 4: Jehovah-Rapha: The Lord who Heals

From Slingshot to Strength

Parenting, Courage, and Conquering Giants!
Parenting, Courage, and Conquering Giants!

Staying in Alignment

Chosen: Joining God's Concern for the Vulnerable

Week 1 - The Blessing of Becoming Disadvantaged
Week 1 - The Blessing of Becoming Disadvantaged
Week 2 - The Blessing of Being Chosen
Week 2 - The Blessing of Being Chosen
Week 3 - Answering God’s Call to Care for the Most Vulnerable
Week 3 - Answering God’s Call to Care for the Most Vulnerable

Waiting on a Promise

God's Plan: Choosing God's Agenda for Our Lives

Week 1 - Celebrating Real Change
Week 1 - Celebrating Real Change
Week 2 - Celebrating Freedom in Christ
Week 2 - Celebrating Freedom in Christ

Choosing What’s Best

Hope, Health & Healing