Take the next step to grow deeper in your faith, and build with Midtown Church, Elk Grove
God calls us to prioritize giving, and to give sacrificially, cheerfully, and in proportion to what He has given us. We ask that you take the next step of faith and prayerfully consider partnering with us through a financial commitment.
See what God will do in you, and through you.
The Grow in the Grove Commitment:
As a committed member of Midtown Church, I will contribute to impact God’s kingdom by giving faithfully for two years.
Listen to some Biblical teaching about Growing our Elk Grove Campus

Outreach to the local community
As our ministry grows, so does our outreach to our neighbors throughout the city of Elk Grove.

Developing thriving ministries for spiritual growth
Your generosity helps to sustain operational costs for us to provide thriving family ministries for babies through adulthood.

A place of hope, health, and healing.
Where all are welcome and can experience the true freedom and love found in Jesus.