08/04/2021 – Midtown Church | Big Wednesday – Week 2


Urban Apologetics: A Faith Big Enough For the City
Dr. Efrem Smith (Co-Lead Pastor Midtown Church & Co-Founder of Influential Inc.)

Urban Apologetics Defined – 

  • In his book, Urban Apologetics: Why the Gospel is Good News for the City, Christopher Brooks contends that the urban Church should be comprised of urban apologists, equipped to bring the good news of Christ to its city. He presents a contextualized understanding for apologetics: the art and science of commending and defending the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Biblical Foundations for Apologetics

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect..
1 Peter 3:15

It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill. The latter do so out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel.
Philippians 1:15-16


1. A Lived Apologetics

  • A Life of Defending the Gospel

Philippians 1:12-16

  • A Knowledge-Based Apologetics
  • An Embodied and Lived Apologetics 

2. Urbanization

  • An ever-increasing metropolitan, multicultural, and multi-ethnic reality.
  • Why all Christians need to think urban. 

3. Urban Apologetics

  • The Defending of the Christian Faith
  • Evangelism
  • Compassion, Mercy, and Justice 

4. Urban Credibility

  • The Church and the City
  • The Mainline Urban Church
  • Evangelicalism and the City (A Lost Relationship?)
  • “Name and Claim It” (Empowerment or Empire?)
  • Urban Para Church Ministries
  • Ethnic and Multiethnic Churches 

5. A Biblical Foundation for a Heart for the City

6. A Biblical Foundation for Engaging the City

7. Paul Engaged-

  • The Synagogue
  • The Marketplace
  • Philosophers
  • The Areopagus
  • Poets

8. The Sectors of the City

  • The Public Sector
  • The Private Sector
  • Educational Sector
  • Community Sector
  • Religious Sector
  • The Vulnerable

9. The Beauty of the City

10. Challenges of the City

  • Divisions
  • Crime
  • Homelessness
  • Under-resourced Pockets
  • Disparities (Race, Class, and Place)
  • Traffic

11. Finding Our Place in the City

  • Finding You Multicultural and Multiethnic Identity
  • Making Disciples of All Nations (Matthew 28)
  • Using Your Gifts, Talents, and Experiences

12. The Multicultural and Multiethnic Christ

13. The Urban Church of the Bible


Thank you for joining us for Big Wednesday! See next Big Wednesday 8/11/2021 with Chief Hahn! Check out some upcoming events here at Midtown and email yourself notes below:




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