
Pastor Efrem Smith is an internationally recognized leader who uses motivational speaking and preaching to equip people for a life of transformation. He consults on issues of multi-ethnicity, leadership, and community development. Efrem is the former president and CEO of World Impact: an urban mission, church planting and leadership-development organization. He’s the author of several books, including his latest, “Killing Us Softly.” Efrem is a graduate of Saint John’s University and Luther Theological Seminary, and received an honorary doctor of ministry degree from Ashland Theological Seminary, and most recently earned his Doctor of Ministry degree in Church Leadership and Reconciliation Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary.

Efrem is married to Donecia and has two daughters. He’s excited to be a part of all that God is doing in and through the Church. He, Pastor Bob, and Pastor Susie are encouraged by the rapid growth of Midtown Church and are eager to work together and share the love of God throughout the Sacramento region.