Bridging the gaps, embracing the journey.

The Bridge at Midtown Church is a community for adults ages 25-39.
We believe growth and values are developed intentionally.
Whether you’re networking or defining your career goals or young parent,
the range is wide but the purpose is uniting:
intentional community helps define your "why" in this life season.


Throughout the year we offer events that aim to bring the wider community in for a large shared experience. Past events have included worship nights, open mic, block parties.

Upcoming Events


Ongoing connect opportunities to join other YPers around the city through a shared activity, hobby, interest or hang. Meetups range in size (5 to 25+ people) based on activity type.

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Ranging in weekly or biweekly rhythms, small groups focus on intentional relationships. Groups focus on spiritual growth through Bible Study, Sermon Series, or Books.

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